7 Reasons Rainwater Tanks are Good for You and the Environment
Posted on: June 12, 2015
The simplest option to reduce your water bill, with the added perk of being kind to the planet, is to install a rainwater tank.
The earth isn't called the blue planet without good reason - 75 per cent of our home is covered with water, so it is a bit concerning that we are constantly being told to conserve the resource. This is because is that not all the water can be utilised for drinking and other home or industrial purposes.
The choice not to waste water, other than being a sustainable decision is also easy on the pocket. The simplest option to reduce your water bill, with the added perk of being kind to the planet, is to install a rainwater tank.
There are plenty of considerations to make when choosing the right solution, but once you have a water storage solution at home - there is no looking back.
Let's look at seven reasons why rainwater tanks are a smart option.
1. Rebate from the government
Let's face it, saving money is the sweetest deal and it is a welcome bonus that the federal and state governments are making concerted efforts to encourage people to use alternative sources of water to reduce operating costs.
Victorians are supported by the Living Victoria Water Rebate Program, which encourages households to purchase and install water efficient products. The state government allocated a whopping $40 million to the program and you can receive back up to $1,500 as part of the scheme.
In NSW, those who choose to take the rainwater tank approach can can earn a rebate of up to $2,170.
If you are looking to conserve water in Western Australia, then the water corporation can help you out with making the right choice.
Queensland and other states advise contacting your local council to find out the incentives for installing a tank.
2. Several non-drinking uses
Need a drink of water? Turn on the tap - but there is no need to use precious drinking water for other purposes.
Rainwater has several uses - it can be used to flush toilets, wash clothes, water the garden, wash cars etc.
An average household can save to 100,000 litres of water a year with this storage option.
3. Prevents soil erosion and reduces flooding
Uncollected rainwater collects toxins and sediment from soil erosion and is deposited into streams, lakes and ponds via our drainage systems.
Large storage tanks can also help to prevent and reduce floods in lower areas.
4. No need for water drilling
Many Australians are opting for the water bore system, however ground water is not always easy to reach and it is a depleting source.
Some areas struggle with significant scarcity and in such regions a rainwater tank is the best storage option.
5. It's good for the garden
Rainwater is often called soft water because it does has not been treated with the chemicals contained in treated water. Enthusiasts often prefer to water indoor plants with the natural variant, which is also known to have more oxygen, to give them a new lease of life.
6. Maintenance is easy
There is the one-off cost involved with installing a tank, beyond that maintenance and upkeep do not require significant time or energy.
There are a number of ways collected water can be used without the need for purifying.
7. Built to last
With an extensive range of water tank sizes and styles available on the market - you are bound to find a tank that fits your water storage needs.
You can choose a poly tank, which is made from a polyethylene that with a food grading and is resistant to harmful ultraviolet rays. Steel tanks, on the other hand are made from more durable material and the inner surface is usually coated with a grade polymer skin.
If you are interested in setting up a rainwater tank in your yard, make sure to visist your local stratco for expert advice and a great range of tanks.